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Oct 11, 2021
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Without going into very technical considerations I brother cellphone list like to reflect on the current panorama in the world of SEO work. The pace of change seems to be increasing, the semantic web is becoming more apparent and digital transformation permeates our lives.If you are interested in SEO positioning, whether or not you dedicate brother cellphone list to this world, continue;)There are 4 ideas that I think stand out and, therefore, it is worth brother cellphone list to think about what is brother cellphone list and its implications for web positioning.SMARTPHONESLet us keep in brother cell phone list indicative data that you can easily contrast online:There are more and more Smartphone and, every time, they are used more.92.1% of Spanish users who connect to the Internet do so through mobile brother cellphone list according to the latest annual survey on Internet use in Spain by the 'Association for Media Research', AIMC.In the study of the 20th edition of 'Navegantes en la Red', 32% of those surveyed brother cellphone list that they would stop using a website if it is not adapted to mobile phones . According to a Statista study, Spain is the fifth country in the world that spends the most time using mobile phones (the first Brazil, in case you were curious).Online purchases are skyrocketing but, it must be taken into account that 49% of these purchases are made from the mobile ( mobile commerce )I could put much more related data but I think the importance of smartphones is clear and how they are changing, herefore, our way of connecting and making use of the Internet.The consequences are obvious:You have to have an SEO strategy focused only on mobiles and the more segmented , the better.We must improve the user experience ( UX ) on mobile. This implies, among other things, doing a finer job with the 'responsive' of the webs; implement AMP to accelerate upload speed and; generate quality content, structured and correctly linked.SEO opportunities : keep in mind, on the other hand, that the positioning of the keywords is different in the desktop or mobile version. On mobile, you also have to take geolocation into account. This means that, at the local mobile SEO level, positioning keywords is a very juicy and less competitive field to work on than many others.SOCIAL NETWORKS 65% of Spaniards use social networks according to the phone number list 'Digital in 2018'39% of Spaniards with a smartphone who connect to the Internet do so to access the networks according to a study by the CNMC.Social media applications are the phone number list used within mobile phone number list , only far surpassed by instant messaging apps that hold the first place.Consequences:Social phone number list (along with the phone number list that we will see later) are changing the way we search and do business on the Internet. In this sense, they could even become the main phone number list to discover content .They are a very juicy source of traffic for the webs , but all that glitters is not gold. Social networks tend to retain users so they will end up phone number list your content on their platform instead of sending it to your website. We will have to be careful with this and give it a twist to see how to continue getting the most out of the networks. phone number list , influencer strategies are in vogue.Such is the importance of networks that already tweets from Twitter accounts with many followers appear in the SERP, that is, they are indexed . And, of course, then they enter fully to compete in organic positioning. Use it to your advantage.technical master in digital marketing
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